What Does an SEO Expert Look Like?

SEO experts surround themselves with SEO; they like the internet and find it fascinating. They constantly look for…

If you are looking for SEO experts that can help you make your business website even better, there are a number of traits that you need to look at.

SEO experts surround themselves with SEO; they like the internet and find it fascinating. They constantly look for trends and try to understand the changes that are occurring as a result of the algorithms in search engines, and they work to utilize them to the best of their ability.

So what does an expert in SEO look like? If you’re looking for a great one, you want one that has these traits.

SEO Experts are people who are always doing research.

It takes a lot of time and energy to become an SEO expert, and they have to keep in contact with SEO trends, the SEO community, and other pieces of information that are necessary to keep their clients’ pages up to date and in tune with changes that may occur on the SEO front.

They rarely just use a link to go to a website.

SEO experts will rarely, if ever, just use a link to go to a website. Any website, not just the ones they work on. In order to better understand how algorithms work and are changing, they use web searches to even find websites that they visit on a regular basis.

They invest in training.

As with most experts in the marketing and technology realms, there can be no delays when it comes to utilizing new technology. You may find that there are times that your SEO expert is out because of training; know that the training that they’re getting may be for a new technology or SEO tip or tool that they can use to better improve your website.

They understand SEO from the ground up.

Did you know that most people who are SEO experts are also very adept in coding? They understand SEO starts at the ground level (in the code), and if they aren’t involved in that part of the process, they are not doing everything that they can in order to make sure that your site is optimized to its fullest potential. They may not be the person who builds your website, but they are the one who goes in and optimizes the code that is already in place.

They help you understand SEO.

SEO Experts want to help you learn how to do exactly what they are doing. Yes, it sounds strange, but if they aren’t showing their clients how they do things, then how do their clients know that they actually know what they are doing. Not only does it help with credibility, it also enhances client knowledge, which will help the client be more successful in their endeavours. If they add pages themselves or they decide to add new utilities, they can do some of the work necessary to get it prepared for SEO; everyone wins!


Are you looking for SEO experts that can help take your company’s website to the next level? Digital Animals are experts in SEO and can look over your website, evaluate it, and help you to make the best decisions for your particular business’s needs. Contact us today for a free consultation on how our SEO services can improve your rankings.